
Best Marketing Communications Strategies You Can Use

What is a Marketing Communications strategy?

Marketing communications are activities that help manage relationships with consumers to create favourable customer perceptions, increase sales, and build brand awareness. It encompasses all elements of a company's marketing program, from pre-market planning and market research to ongoing communication with customers.

Marketing communications includes everything from creating content (such as blogs, articles, or webinars) to distributing information (via email, social media, or traditional media) to building relationships with customers. Effective marketing communications can have a significant impact on a company's success.

A marketing communications strategy is a coordinated plan that helps marketers achieve their desired outcomes. The goal of a marketing communications strategy is to create, deliver and measure messages that promote products or services. A diverse range of communication channels can be used to reach consumers, including television, radio, online, print and direct mail. A marketing communications strategy should also include an understanding of the consumer marketplace and the target audience.

Why Is A Marketing Communications Strategy Important?

1. Builds A Strong Brand Trust

An effective marketing communications strategy can help build brand trust, increase customer loyalty and inspire more people to choose your product or service. By creating a positive perception of your company and its products, you can create a strong foundation for future growth. Here are some key reasons why an effective marketing communications strategy is so important:

A credible marketing communications strategy will help build trust between your company and its customers. When customers believe in the brand and the message sent, they are more likely to be loyal and repeat business. Positive customer perceptions can also lead to increased word-of-mouth advertising, leading to even more positive impressions.

Also, a strong customer loyalty base is crucial for long-term success in the marketplace. With loyal customers, you can count on them to promote your product or service positively online and offline.

2. Helps Reach The Right Audience

An effective marketing communications strategy ensures that your message reaches the right audience. The goal of an effective marketing communication strategy is to reach consumers where they are and when they are most likely to be receptive, whether that’s through social media, traditional advertising, or other channels. By targeting the right people and communicating with them in the right way, you can increase your chances of success.

Marketing communications can also help you build relationships with customers. By keeping customers updated on your company’s latest developments and providing them with valuable information, you can create a loyalty bond between your business and its customers. This loyalty can be valuable when recruiting new customers or retaining current ones.

A well-executed marketing communications strategy can help you stay ahead of your competition.

3. Achieve Your ROI

An effective marketing communications strategy can help your business achieve a positive return on investment (ROI). A well-executed plan can help build customer relationships and promote your company's brand. It can also help your business achieve its goals, attract new customers, and build brand awareness.

Additionally, a good marketing communications strategy can help you reduce customer churn and increase sales. Ultimately, an effective marketing communications strategy can lead to long-term success for your business. By following these guidelines, you can create a successful strategy that meets your needs and achieves your desired outcomes and, most importantly, achieves a positive ROI.

What Should A Marketing Communications Strategy Contain?

Brand alignment

The marketing communications strategy should incorporate brand alignment principles when creating messaging and engaging with customers. This means that the marketing communications efforts should align with the company's overall brand image and positioning, providing a unified message to consumers.

Moreover, it is essential to consider what messages will resonate most with your target audience and consistently deliver them across all channels. Additionally, a well-planned communications strategy should be flexible and able to change as needed to best reach your target market. Following these principles, you can create a cohesive marketing strategy that supports your overall business objectives.

Customer alignment

A marketing communications strategy should contain customer alignment if the goal is to build a relationship with customers. Customer alignment means that the company’s goals are aligned with those of its customers. This can be done by ensuring that the company’s objectives and messaging are clear, that products and services meet customer needs, and that customers feel valued.

Additionally, a customer alignment strategy should consider how the customers will perceive the company’s message once it has been released. By adhering to these fundamental principles, companies can ensure that their marketing messages are received positively by their customers. All of these factors help create a mutually beneficial relationship in which customers recommend the company to others and return again and again.

Budget alignment

The marketing communications strategy should contain budget alignment to ensure the marketing objectives are achieved within set financial constraints. By aligning budgets, it is possible to monitor and track spending, identify areas where more efficiency could be gained, and make necessary adjustments to optimise expenditure without sacrificing essential objectives. This alignment is crucial because it ensures that the various marketing activities are all contributing to achieving the overall objectives of the company.

It is also essential to keep in mind the need for flexibility when planning and executing marketing campaigns, as conditions (e.g., economic conditions) can change rapidly. If budgets are not aligned, waste may occur, and less effective campaigns or activities may be used. Proper budget alignment also helps ensure that goals are achievable and that resources are allocated where they will have the most impact.

Steps In Creating A Marketing Communications Strategy

1. Know Your Target Customers

When creating a marketing communications strategy, it is essential to identify your target customers. This can be done through market research or by surveying your current customers. Once you know who your target audience is, you can develop messaging and marketing strategies that are specifically tailored to them.

Another critical step in creating a marketing communications strategy is understanding how they interact with your company and its products or services. This information can help you create targeted messages and advertising to reach your target audience.

Finally, it is essential to remain flexible when developing a marketing communications strategy. Changes in the marketplace or customer behaviour can necessitate changes to your plans, so always be prepared for the unexpected!

2. Determine Your Unique Selling Proposition

Before you can create a marketing communications strategy, you need first to identify your unique selling proposition (USP). This is the section of your company's marketing message that sets you apart from your competitors.

Your USP will be different for every company, and it will likely change as your business evolves. However, it's essential to stay focused on what makes your company unique and use that information to create tailored messages and campaigns.

Once you've identified your USP, you need to figure out how to communicate it to potential customers. This means developing a strong marketing message that resonates with them on an emotional level. You also must ensure that the messaging is consistent across all channels and mediums.

3. Identify Your Marketing Communications Mix

It is essential to determine what marketing communications mix you need for your company. This will include the purpose of your marketing communications, target markets, and channels used.

Once you have determined the mix, it is essential to set goals for each channel and ensure that the content is consistent across all channels. You should also ensure that promotions are timed well and relevant to your target market. Finally, it is essential to track results and make adjustments to maximise the reach and effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

4. Branding Elements

To create a successful marketing communications strategy, it is essential first to define your brand. What are your fundamental values, and what makes you unique? What do you want potential customers to think of you when they hear your name? Once you have a clear understanding of your brand, it's essential to develop messaging that resonates with your target audience.

Next, it is essential to identify the channels through which you want to reach your target market. You may need to focus on traditional media such as newspapers, magazines and TV commercials, or go digital by using online platforms like blogs and social media networks. Make sure all of your marketing communication efforts are coordinated so that they reach as many people as possible.

Finally, it's crucial to track results and make adjustments as needed based on how people are reacting to your messaging and advertising campaigns.

5. Know Your Success Metrics

Creating a marketing communications strategy is an essential step in achieving success. Without a solid plan, your organisation may not know what goals to pursue or how to measure success. Defining success metrics is one of the most critical steps in developing a marketing communications strategy. By knowing what results you want to achieve, you can create a plan that is tailored to your company’s needs and goals. Here are some following success metrics:

  • Reach - How many people did the company's message reach?
  • Engagement - How engaged were people with the company's message?
  • Conversion - Did people take action due to the company's message?
  • Retention - How long did people keep engaging with the company's message?
  • Revenue-Generating Activities - What revenue-generating activities resulted from the company's message?
  • Costs Associated With The Message - What were the costs associated with producing and delivering the message?

6. Execution of Your Plan

Execution is the process of putting a plan into action. A successful marketing communications strategy is well executed. Execution is essential because, without it, your plan will not be successful. The key to a successful plan is to ensure that every step within the plan is executed flawlessly. If one step is skipped or mishandled, the entire plan can be derailed.

The goal of any marketing communication plan should be to achieve a positive outcome for the company, so the strategy must be executed flawlessly. Inconsistent execution can lead to confusion among customers, which could ultimately negatively impact sales. Achieving a successful outcome requires meticulous planning and follow-through, ensuring execution is a top priority for all marketing communication plans.


In conclusion, a well-crafted marketing communication strategy can provide your organisation with the relevant tools it needs to engage with potential and current customers, market your product or service, and build trust and relationships. While there is no single approach that works for everyone, using a mix of proven tactics and cutting-edge strategies can help you reach your goals. So whatever your marketing communication goals may be, remember to start by thinking like a customer.


In marketing, what are the most common methods of communication?

Communication tools in marketing include advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, sponsorship, communication, public relations, social media, customer journey, and promotion.

Marketing communications: what makes them effective?

The best way to provoke an emotional response is to be clear, concise, and able to provoke a response from the audience. Rather than focusing on features, your most effective communications strategies will emphasise benefits. Tell your customers how your product will practically improve their lives rather than just highlighting its technical features.

What does a good communication strategy contain?

Communication strategies vary depending on the project, but successful strategies almost always include information about the target audience, specific campaign objectives, and a team of inspirational team members.

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